If I visit Germany...?
2006-06-14 12:01:29 UTC
do I need to learn German or will people help me out. I am visitng a lot of countries.
Sieben antworten:
2006-06-14 14:28:04 UTC
the most of the younger peoples in Germany speaks english, so it's not a problem if you can't conversate in German. But as in every country peoples like to hear some usual phrases like "guten Tag", "vielen Dank" etc. If you send me a notice where you want to go I can give you many indications ;-).

I wish you a wonderful delay in Germany with warm and sunny weather and many new nice acquaintances.
2006-06-16 09:42:44 UTC
If you need help in English language, watch out for some younger people. Elderly people often don't speak english...
2006-06-14 13:40:28 UTC
People are very helpful here. English is taught in school as a requirment so you shouldnt have too much trouble.
2006-06-14 13:24:23 UTC
Most people here in germany do actually speak at least a little bit of english.But i think it would be nice if you learned a few phrases in german.It is not such a difficult language to learn.Enjoy your stay here :-)
2006-06-14 12:58:38 UTC
Everyone here speaks English. U're welcome ^-^
2006-06-14 12:24:02 UTC
Shure ,a lot of People can help you in your language,but may be you learn a little bit of German it is not to difficult.Have a nice time in Germany.
2006-06-14 12:06:57 UTC
Most of the people in Germany can talk english.

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